$111.00 per month.
$55.00 per inspection. We automatically do 2 inspections per year but do schedule more at the owners request (normally for insurance requirements). Note that initial and final inspections are free of charge.
$3.00 per disbursement. We pay out up to three times a month. You can choose to be paid out once, twice or three times per month if you have a larger portfolio. If only one property is held it must be disbursed at the end of the month.
A letting fee is not charged. Instead you are levied $20.00 per month ($240 per year) regardless of how many times the property is let. This also means fewer costs for our landlords when tenants change.
Of course we arrange repairs and provide advice and assistance. We do not add a % to your repair bills unlike most other companies.
Don't forget you get a Free Trial for the first 3 months
We provide ongoing checks of smoke alarms & follow Privacy Act guidelines. As well as deal with health and safety requirements. We also offer advice and guidance in meeting healthy homes requirements at minimal cost.
An initial thorough inspection of your property inspection with the new tenant as well as the final inspection upon termination.
We attend mediation and tenancy tribunal on your behalf with no extra charge for us being there.
We keep up with market trends. When rents are moving up in your area we review and advise you that a rent increase may be achieved.
Interviewing, Screening and Reference checks.
For the record we pass on standard landlord expenses. You pay for advertising, credit checks, council and water rates, landlord repairs, as well as any tribunal fees if required.
* Plus GST
Not sure if they charge letting fee or inspection fees as well. It's hard to tell from their site. We didn't know so we ignored them for this calculation. We do know they also charge another 8.5% on repair invoices (also left out).
Being generous we included inspection fees & a monthly disbursement in our estimate of costs.
Yes, about half the cost on an average property, and even bigger savings for more expensive rentals. Bloody good deal right!
Cost comparison based on an average 3 Bedroom Auckland home - $626 pw :(Sept 2022)
PS: If you think this is too good to be true, go see how we make savingshere
"Hi There, I own a property in Orakei which has a long term tenant and almost no effort to manage. I have been using Bayleys however as the property is leased at $1900 per week they are not providing good value for money. They rarely look at the property and when maintenance is required it is always very expensive. I would like to consider the 3 month trial and move to the $110 per month model you have. Could you advise if there are any other costs or requirements. I am based in Australia +61(0)475838749 Regards Kevin Doherty"
The worst thing for landlords about having to pay the standard 1 weeks rent letting fee is that it comes just when you are having to fund a vacancy or pay for a spruce up. The timing couldn't be worse. Our Letting Levy spreads the cost of the letting fee over time with a fixed fee of $20 per month regardless of how many times a property is let (+gst ).
Basically, this is a form of letting insurance for $240 per year (but of course we can't call it insurance).
Crockers came up with the idea, and while we may have been the first with a 3 month free trial, we are not too proud to steal a good idea. For all of our owners this is much less than they would be paying for a new let and it puts the costs on us as property managers if we have to let out a property more frequently.
Our larger portfolio clients love this means of spreading their costs and it is, a really good deal for our clients who have properties with higher rents.
If you are coming to us with a long term tenant we can understand that you might wish to opt-out. But if you do, you will have to pay the standard letting fee on the next change of tenant.